


september twenty ninth | ten thirty post meridiem


Sorry I disappeared there for a bit. The spector of an actual social life raised its hydra's head, and forcefully restrained me from accessing the compooter. Thursday night I went out for the first time since being back in O. (and celebrated by single-walletedly picking up the $80 bar tab). Then I accepted an invitation to a friend of a friends' wedding in B. over the weekend. I took a few random pictures, nothing too exciting since I almost immediately got snookered out of my fucking gourd, and ended the night in a healthy neighborhood-rattling screaming match with FemaleTrouble, the cause of which I've yet to determine, though it was made pretty clear that it was entirely my fault; i.e., I don't have the energy for a real entry, so just go look at the pretty pictures, k?

~ paradise | progress ~

dusting for vomit

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