


october twenty-eighth | eleven fifty post meridiem

"Tell me about Ballz-Ack, sir. Is he any good?"

Well, it's a good thing I'm still here cause the rest o' y'all seem to have taken a friggin' break. Christ, people, winter's coming! You should be frying in the glow of your monitors! Dancing on the keys to keep warm. Rubbing up against the tower...

Too far?

If anyone else out there in interwebland gets bored between the hours of 8-4:30 pacific time, and would like to exchange emails during the day in a sort of pseudo-AIM, gimme a comment and I'll write you tomorrow. I can't publish my work addy here, cause it has my full name and place of employment. Notice that I said, "if you get bored" and I know SEVERAL OF YOU WHO DO! So no excuses! Entertain me!

I wonder if I've ever felt this happy and humorful and yet like my life was so completely pointless at the same time.

~ paradise | progress ~

dusting for vomit

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