


november eighteen | eight post meridiem

I wear black dockers on the outside because black dockers is how I feel on the inside.

I set up a livejournal account. I did it because I seem to be increasingly horrible at keeping in touch with friends who've moved away, and who I've moved away from, and LJ's casual half-blog-half-message board format seems the ideal way to keep in semi-ethereal phantom touch. I'm going to try to update it everyday, even with piddling nonsense, and give this space over to more sustained efforts at essay-type writing, which is sort of the pattern I've fallen into anyway. I would like to keep this diaryland space semi-private, though, since I'm bound to talk shit about people at some point, so if you link to both sites, please don't identify them as being by the same person. I'll probably take this link down in a few days anyway.

Speaking of linking, I don't have a gold membership anymore so I'm not able to see my referrals. Would anyone who's linked to me in the last few days care to let me know? My daily hits have suddenly tripled. Come on, indulge my ego. Please? *bats eyelashes*

~ paradise | progress ~

dusting for vomit

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