


november twenty seven | eight thirty post meridiem

None of the above.

Greetings from the land of Dog Sat, where I've been for the last few days, and will continue to be until Saturday. This pulls me away from the interweb, which is entirely worth it, since the alternative to the soft glow is a big smelly beast who lays in your lap and smiles while watching you eat. Which is pure happiness, of course.

I wish I had something more exciting to tell you. I've been getting up, going to work, coming home; I've watched almost the entire second season of Buffy on the new DVD player. Finished Reader's Block, Bouvard and P�cuchet, and another WWI book. Wrote almost nothing. Did not apply for any international jobs. Consumed 36,942 cough drops and no alcohol. Bought 2 lbs. of trail mix, 3/4 of which was raisins. Threw away 1.5 lbs. of raisins.

Stood on the end of a pier stretching out into a lake whose surface was as clear as crystal and watched a heron fly circles around my head, before swooping low and shattering its own reflection.

~ paradise | progress ~

dusting for vomit

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