


fourteenth june | one thirty ante meridiem

I'm 69th Generation Roman

I have more details set out about the road trip, relatively minor things to you since they largely involve vegetation and sand in odd personal places. I'm not going to post them quite yet though; they'll probably change a lot between now and September, and what I'd like to do is make a new page with my itinerary on it which I update when I need to rather than boring you totally senseless with this diary. There's also other issues, like...

...where do I go when I'm "done" driving? This is a trip, but it's also a move; I'm doing this with the intention of moving away from the Northwest and not coming back for quite a while. I've been estimating finances, expenses and all that, and I've realized (I always just pessimistically assume I'm going to spend everything, since that is my nature) that I'm going to have a relatively large chunk of $$$ left over when 2 months is over. And since I'm going to be in the NE US at that time... is this when I should be making plans to live in NYC, at least for a year or two? I know unemployment is terrible, and that's what I worry about more than anything, but should I still do it? I like kinda oddball outta-the-way US cities; I mean, I love Portland, and would live there again in a second except I really need something new for my sanity. So this trip is officially an attempt to "find someplace where I might want to settle down". Except - preconceptions ahoy! - where else am I going to go? I still love Los Angeles, and would love to live there, but that's all the way back, another 3,000 miles! Brooklyn is just so close to my present stopping point (Boston) and I could sell my car, and walk everywhere, and take elaborate public transportation which I love, and and and...

This is my biggest dilemma at the moment: do I leave this decision until October 31st, to be decided by tickling ephemeral goblins? Or do I try to make prior arrangements now, with end dates and the like to circumscribe my trip? I've got enough estimated bank to cover about 6 months of average Brooklyn rent after November; will I find a decent job in that amount of time with few to no contacts and my diddly liberal arts degree? This isn't a much thought-out entry; it's just speculation when I'm not even sure I should be throwing that out. Hmm. Wondering...

~ paradise | progress ~

dusting for vomit

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