


friday the thirteenth | six sixty six post meridiem

Tell Me About 10-year old you

I'm here, but read the whole thing, it's beautiful.

Also good, if you have a week or two with nothing better to do: Indie guys with trucker hats.... I chime in a bit towards the end but these (1; 2) are the golden molars who deserve to be flossed carefully.

It's been a few days since I typed a pretty elaborate entry then lost it in a godz-ordained komputer failure at work, thus the diaryland apathy. FYI, here's what I know fo sho re: the road trip:

I'll be leaving Olympia the week after labor day (first weekend in Sept.).

Major cities I'm definitely aiming for, in this order:

San Francisco
Los Angeles
Austin, TX
New Orleans
Washington, DC
New York

I expect the trip to take about 1 1/2 - 2 months, putting me in New England sometime between Canadian Thanksgiving and Halloween. I'm so excited! REALLY REALLY FUCKING EXCITED!! I spent 2 hours today trying to locate the greatest concentration of big ass fucking saguaro cacti in Arizona. Cacti are an important part of this trip. I expect us to bond. Emotionally, not physically. Cause that's, erm, pokey.

I actually have more to write about this and other things but it's still light and humid and gently warm out so... ta.

~ paradise | progress ~

dusting for vomit

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