


sixth augusth | sixth posth merithdiem

Penis Penis Penis

I'm dog/house sitting again this week and the first part of next; I'll be in Portland this weekend: these things take me away from the interweb so probably no updates or email for a while (unless you're writing to my work address). I made an online itinerary for my roadtrip. There's not much there yet just cause things are still so unsettled; I'm definitely hitting all the cities/states mentioned, so if I'm coming to visit you and certain dates are better than others, let me know through email or the the itinerary's tagboard (or if not I'll be emailing all of you next week anyway). More importantly, I need you to post lots of naughty words on the tagboard to see which ones can slip by the censor: I tried to write "shit" and it *beep*'ed it! Please fill it up with lots of unusual/archaic/creative innuendo so we can stick it to the Man - stick it right in His tuckus! Hornswoggle that, choadmonster! Now give me the mickey fickey batteries.

WorXor SuXor. I don't even want to talk about it. I'm reading Chandler in between projectile vomiting sessions (oh yeah, I've been sick) and I sosososo want to be in California already.

~ paradise | progress ~

dusting for vomit

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