


tenth november | eight post meridiem

There's sometimes a buggy

I'm in Olympia right now. My computer died a few days ago and I don't get cell phone reception at my parents' new (latex) condo ("boy would I like to live in one of those!"). There's a nice, woodsy jogging trail just over the backyard fence; alas, my running shoes seem to have disappeared during the move. Darn.

I've only been v e r y g r a d u a l l y looking into foreign work visas; I'm still committed to going, but am also suffering from some kind of after-trip dip in morale that has me laying around and watching certain movies over and over and not bathing as often as I should.

At the moment trying to write is like moonwalking through pudding; I'm not sure why.

~ paradise | progress ~

dusting for vomit

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