


eleven eleven | nine post meridiem

Fuck rap, you can have it back

I'm getting discouraged in my attempts to land a work visa, and am starting to have second thoughts about whether washing dishes in Galway or some such place is even all that desirable right now. My road trip was massive wicked fun, and I'm so glad I did it, but at the same time I can't help but feel that it was me playing at a bohemian dream I had at 19 and am now much more truly emotionally invested in finding, if not a "career", then some kind of work which is either interesting and fulfilling in itself or at least feels like it's pointing towards future work of the interesting and fulfilling kind. Where that will take place I'm as unsure of as ever, but it certainly won't be here.

At least I'm not wasting money during this lull of stasis and anxiety.

Learned today that one of the head writers at The Onion worked as a dishwasher for five years before landing the job: he didn�t (according to the person relating this) think he was capable of doing anything else. He also used to dress like Obi-Wan Kenobi and wander around the streets of Madison �like the very image of sad beauty.�

Hahaha tonight on Gilmore Girls: Mr. Gilmore to Rory, about a review of hers in the Yale paper where she compared one of the ballerinas in the show to a hippo: �That�s great; sometimes people don�t realize they�re not good at things. Now she can go to business school.�

~ paradise | progress ~

dusting for vomit

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